An ambulance takes Dad to hospital
An ambulance takes Mum to hospital
Anna is referred for a hearing test
Beth has a mammogram (breast screening)
Beth is asked back for more breast screening tests
Beth receives a normal mammogram (breast screening) result
Bill goes to out-patients
Bill has a plaster cast
Bill has an x-ray
Bill has physiotherapy
Bill is referred for an x-ray
Carol has a smear test
Carol is asked back for another smear
Florence has an insulin injection
Florence has tests for type 1 diabetes
Having a colonoscopy
Jane has a heart test (ECG)
Jane has an ultrasound
Jane is referred for an ultrasound
Jane is rushed to hospital with chest pain
Martin has an x-ray
Martin wears compression stockings
Mary has a blood test
Mary is examined in A&E
Stephen and Julie visit Dad in hospital
Stephen and Julie visit Mum in hospital
The doctor checks Beth's breast
Tom is referred for an ultrasound