Ben wants to go cycling
Beth has a mammogram (breast screening)
Bob tells Steve about the abuse
Carol has a smear test
Charlie tries bowling
Dean is shy
Dean joins a drama group
Fred and Louisa cook a healthy meal
Fred and Louisa cook together
Fred has a blood test for diabetes
Friends cook together
Jane has an ultrasound
Jane helps Ben and Paul sort out their problems
Janet feels lonely
Janet makes some new friends
Jasmine plays badminton
Jenny tells Kay about the abuse
Jim has a blood pressure test
Jim has a physical examination
Jim has an injection
Joanne supports Ann at an appointment
John gets upset looking at photographs
John misses his family
Learning about food hygiene
Maria helps Natalie speak up for herself
Monica helps Janet make friends safely
Natalie makes a complaint
Neil feels lonely
Neil makes some new friends
Paul doesn't listen to Ben
Paul puts pressure on Ben
Paul supports Ben to feel less stressed
Penny supports Carol to have a smear test
Preparing for a smear test
Stephen argues with his support worker
Steve helps Bob feel better
Steve helps Neil make friends safely
Supporting healthy eating
Susie is in shock after the attack
Susie is sad and angry
The doctor checks Beth's breast
The doctor checks Tom's balls (testicles)
The health centre
Tom feels a lump in his ball (testicle)
Tom has an ultrasound scan
Veronica falls ill