A nurse checks Martin's blood pressure
Ann gets a prescription
Ann has her ears syringed
Anna has a hearing test
Anna has a throat examination
Beth has a mammogram (breast screening)
Beth is asked back for more breast screening tests
Beth receives a normal mammogram (breast screening) result
Bill goes to out-patients
Bill has a plaster cast
Bill has an x-ray
Bill has physiotherapy
Fred has a blood test for diabetes
Fred has tests for type 2 diabetes
GP refers Ann to a social worker
Jane has a heart test (ECG)
Jane has an ultrasound
Jane learns how to keep her heart healthy
Jim has a blood pressure test
Jim has a physical examination
Jim has an injection
Laura has a blood test
Martin has an operation
Mary has a blood test
Mary is examined in A&E
Mary presses the call button
Molly has a rectal examination
Molly sees the GP about constipation
Planned hospital admission
Ron tells the doctor he feels sad
Sonia talks to her GP
Sonia's GP doesn't communicate well
Sonia's GP refers her to a counsellor
Sonia's GP uses communication tools
The doctor checks Beth's breast
The doctor checks Tom's balls (testicles)
The doctor visits John
The doctor visits Ron
The health centre
Tom has an ultrasound scan
Veronica consents to treatment
Veronica has chemotherapy
Veronica has got cancer
Veronica has radiotherapy