A lady from Victim Support visits Charlie
Ann has her ears syringed
Ann helps Michelle to find her voice
Dave buys things with his canteen sheet
Fred meets a dietician
Jack has tests for epilepsy
Jane helps Ben and Paul sort out their problems
Jane learns how to keep her heart healthy
Jane looks after her heart
Jim has a blood pressure test
Jim has a physical examination
Jim has an injection
Joanne supports Ann at an appointment
Laura has a blood test
Learning how to keep healthy 'down below'
Martin has an operation
Michelle gets a new communication chart
Michelle goes to the hairdresser
Michelle reports a crime
Michelle uses her communication chart
Police take Dave to the police station
Social worker visits Ann
Sonia talks to her GP
Sonia's GP uses communication tools
Staying well with epilepsy
Staying well with type 2 diabetes
Susie draws the attack
Susie tells a counsellor about the sexual abuse
Susie uses dolls to explain the attack
Veronica consents to treatment
Veronica has got cancer
Veronica sees a specialist